Monday, October 8, 2007

Week 5 : Play Week #10 Play around with Image Generators

I created this "mini me" in I can see this is going to be a fun week of learning! The link to Doppleme is I looked at and made my own pocket emo but unfortunately I was unable to post the direct link to my emo. Here is the link to the website instead :
I also made a message on the Bob Dylan generator which was fun. Here is the link to that generator :

I think that's enough as you could definatley spend all day looking and playing with these websites!


Nice Guy said... has another set of over 5,000 image geneartors.

Donna said...

Doing brilliantly! love your blog and I think I have even figured out who you are... I hope you're enjoying the program, I'm personally learning heaps and I hope others are having a similar experience. Thanks for all your hard work on this. Cheers,